In a probate proceeding, the court oversees the process of identifying the deceased person's property, paying any debts, identifying the proper heirs, and distributing the property to them. Most of the actual work is done by a personal representative, who is usually a relative or friend of the deceased person, with the assistance of an attorney and often an accountant and possibly one or more appraisers.
Inheritance Tax Preparation
Mr. Molder has the experience and knows the intricacies of the Federal and State(s) Estate and Inheritance tax filings are required after a death. Mr. Molder handles the required tax compliance for his clients guides them through the tax preparation answering all of their questions and simplifying the entire process to maximize distributions.
Federal Estate Issues
The Federal estate tax has applied to the transfer of property at death since 1916, as part of a unified system of transfer taxes. While the tax has been amended many times, the estate tax, as well as the gift tax (imposed upon transfers prior to a person's death) and generation-skipping transfer tax can be complex and difficult to navigate without an attorney's counsel.
Estate Disputes Among Benefitiaries
Handling such disputes requires both knowledge of the substantive laws governing trusts and estates, and a thorough familiarity with the rules of evidence and procedure. Knowledge of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) is a must.
Insolvent Estates
An estate is insolvent if it does not have enough money in it or available to it to pay all of its funeral expenses, administration costs and debts of the decedent. All states have statutes that dictate what happens in such estates, so the particular state's laws must be consulted.
A Disclaimer is typically used in connection with the administration of an estate after an individual’s death. It is an irrevocable and unqualified refusal by an individual (the “disclaimant”), to accept the ownership of an interest in property.
Intestate (No Will) Administration
A person who dies without a will in PA is said to have died “intestate.” Molder Law Firm aids survivors through the complex process.
Will Contests
A will contest, in the law of property, is a formal objection raised against the validity of a will, based on the contention that the will does not reflect the actual intent of the testator (the party who made the will).
Will Interpretation
The art or process of determining the intended meaning of a written will. Mr. Molder is an expert at will interpretation.
Consultative Services
Steven B. Molder consults with Executers and Personal Representitives with the goal of creating more favorable outcomes.
Manage Creditor Issues
Mr. Molder can help mitigate the painful process of dealing with creditor issues